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Defenders under the lens

Writer's picture: AzumaoAzumao

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

Yo guys, what's good.

Az here, once again.

Today we are going to talk about all Fated and Legendary Defenders give opinions about them.

As a quick note, this is intended to be for beginners of the game. I'm sure you veterans already know all of this.



Garff He is in the top 3 regarding all Defenders in the game. He has the unique passive Command, which increases your whole teams Health and Defense by 25%. Additionally he grants the entire front row with 1 permanent Mana.

Both of those effects don't disperse on Garff's death. Due to him being the light Element he has constant access to his 2 Mana S1, as long as your team is alive.

Reversed World FC The FC provides him with the much needed HP to cover even high HP units like FC Ana. Without it, usually Garff only adds the Command to your Damage dealers. Additionally he will gain Unbreakable will, making him a fair bit tankier.


Shufraken had his time, before Dragon Blood became the Meta. Same as Garff, he provides the front row with Mana.

However, since Shufraken is the Dark Element, he won't be able to access his abilities right away, unless he gets attacked. He has the Unique passive Fear of the Abyss, which is pretty amazing.

Awakening FC His FC let's him gain an enormous Mana if allies are dead. His Mana burn can also be very useful, especially since it's only at 1 Mana.

Since he will be in the front row, he can spam that for days.

Update 01.08.2020 - The meta has changed and Shufraken has risen back to the top.

His suppressive nature, paired with FC Iris has created a new Meta team.

Both his FC and non-FC are viable and probably making him the number 1 pick for PVP.


He is dependent on Dishearten, only provided by Rachel. Due to his low attack stat he doesn't deal as much damage as other heroes with similar multipliers. He can definitely be used in PVP, due to his low Mana costs.

He will be able to block more and crit less. Paired with Rachel, the less crit won't affect him at all.


Another Hero, that is dependent on an interaction. This time with Garff. Unlike Xiakhan, Valarr's entire passive will be unusable, if not paired with Garff. Nonetheless Valarr has a high Multiplier and can pack a serious punch.

Reversed World FC He will gain Unbreakable will, making him a fair bit tankier.


Arguably the Number one Defender. Highest Defense in the Game, high multipliers on both attacks. Even with low Attack, Uloom packs a punch.

When paired with Bathory, he gains the ability to break 3 random Guardian stones while under Tranquil.

Reversed World FC He will gain Unbreakable will, making him a fair bit tankier. Because he has Provoke, this is the best use of this passive.


We talked about number 1, now let's talk about somebody who doesn't finish the race. Mahar has the second highest defense in the Game and also has the Provoke on his passive. However due to low multipliers and no other great interaction he falls short in all regards. I guess Shufraken took more than his arm.

Reversed World FC He will gain Unbreakable will, making him a fair bit tankier, but still useless


Bernavas is a solid CC unit. I would directly compare him with Firis, since he has the same kit, but swapped. He has thrust, which I value high in PVE, but disfavor in PVP. He is at a decent speed to always make sure to remove slower Damage dealers from the fight.

Reversed World FC He will gain Unbreakable will, making him a fair bit tankier. Additionally when paired with Jinai he will apply suppression.

Since suppression overlaps his stuns, I don't really see use for it.


Outside of Dragons, she doesn't have much use, but in Dragons she is phenomenal. She usually provides the back row with a barrier, but in Dragons it's all the same row. Everybody benefits from her Barrier.




If you expected number 3 to be in the Fated Rarity, you are incorrect. Degas claims this position with ease. Having the 3rd highest defense, provoke, shared health and an AoE freeze he has everything a good tank needs.

Summer Festa FC He will be able to provide frost damage immunity and with his share health he can trigger Frosty Bolts when allies get attacked.

Unfortunately his Block 2 is not upgraded to Block 3.


He is a solid Bruiser on Machine Special Dungeons, but outside of that, he isn't really that great. His damage multipliers are low, but he has a 1 Mana stun ability. Paired with Thrust, he can definitely help you out disabling targets.

Reversed World FC He will gain Unbreakable will, making him a fair bit tankier.


His kit all screams that he wants to be like Degas, but he falls short. His Barrier affects only himself and he has a 4 Mana single target stun. Fairly weak, compared to even other defenders in the light Element.


Here we have what Mahar should be. AoE taunts on his passive and S1, along with a decent multiplier single target stun. This, plus being of the nature Element, makes him a good tank, having easy access to all his abilities.

Banga Family FC Heart strike is a strong ability unique to the Banga Family. As long as he gets enough turns, he can be a good way of dealing with Dragon Blood.

Unlike his brethren however, he doesn't have the ability to one-shot opponents.

As mentioned before, she and Bernavas basically share a similar kit. The difference here is a 1 Mana back row stun and a 3 Mana single target.

Because she is the light element, she will always be able to CC the back row, as long as all allies are alive. I made a post about her before, you can check it by clicking her name.


She is special, because outside of the Banga FC, she is the only Hero with Blind in the game. While not particularly strong against multiple First Guardians, against a single one, she can make annoying fights easier.


Spica does provide Thrust, 1 Mana single target stun and a 600% multiplier on her S2. Overall she has what it takes to be a solid bruiser and performs admirably in Special Dungeons.


Fire struggles with CC and this is where Guter comes in place. Same as Spica he has a single Mana Stun ability and a whopping 840% multiplier. Unfortunately he won't hit that hard, because his ATK is fairly low, but among defenders nobody hits harder.


Luke is a weaker Fire version of Degas. He also has share health and provoke, but only a single target Stun ability. Nonetheless, especially in fire he can be the key to beat PVE content.

Banga Family FC Heart strike is a strong ability unique to the Banga Family. As long as he gets enough turns, he can be a good way of dealing with Dragon Blood.

Unlike his brethren however, he doesn't have the ability to one-shot opponents.


Having to compare to Firis is not easy. Unfortunately Freesia doesn't fare well. Back row Reflect is a mediocre gimmick, since you can't direct the enemies target. 4 Mana single target stuns are too pricey to be worth it.


Same as with Freesia. Low damage and high Mana cost for CC abilities make him weak.


The lowest rated Hero in the game, for a good reason. He has only 96% on his back row only S1 and a 3 Mana single target stun.


Decent in this category. Share health, 1 Mana single target stun and 420% multiplier.


Another very weak defender. Rares like Myrrti and Glenn can outshine her. In the scenarios she is used in, she won't be able to make much use of her AoE, thus being reduced to a single target CC. Lyungen does a better job on that front.

And there you have it.

Quick and easy, hopefully insightful.

In my opinion, as long as the game doesn't implement damage based on defense, we won't see much change here outside of potential buff, but what do you think?

Let me know in the comments and if you like my content, consider subscribing to my youtube channel.

As always, thank you so much for joining and I will see you in the next one.

Until then, enjoy the Grind.

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