Yo guys, what's good?
Az here once again and today we are checking the Awakening core raid guide.
We beat all difficulties with Rares and Legendaries, in order to help you beat it with your teams as well.
This one is very similar to my last Core Raid guide, with a couple of key differences.
First, the Guardian Stones this time are Dark, Frost, and Nature; in that order.
Second, the bosses have a "Reset on Hit" Special on their abilities, so they can get out of control pretty quickly.
The strategy is the same for all 3 difficulties.
I will mention this once because that might not be obvious to everyone.
You will need your Burst Heroes at 6 stars in order to make full use of their 10 Mana.
If you play for less than a month, you will have to go phase by phase, but it's pretty simple.
Go in with your strongest 5 dark heroes and break the boss.
Deal as much damage as you can until he goes into the Frost stage.
Deal more damage here, but not past 30%.
You will have to break the boss in the Frost stage to burst both remaining Phases.
Now to the fun part.
So because this one has more HP than the last one, a lot of us, including me, can't burst more than 1 and 1/2 phases without fated Heroes. Especially because Dark is a hard to break phase when you still want to bring a ton of burst damage.
For a Generalist team, I would bring a decently rounded team.
(FC) Lepin
Make sure to kill the side minions, so they don't take up extra break turns.
You want to break and go through the dark phase as quickly as possible because it's pretty hard to deal with. In an optimal case, you would burst into 50% of the Frost Phase, then break again and burst through Frost and Nature.
Now, if you don't have the firepower to clear it with the above team, then I would suggest going in with a good dark team, clearing that phase as quickly as possible, and afterward going with a frost team.
The dark team should clear into Frost, but not more than 30-40% damage unless you can clear frost as well.
Otherwise, you might end up having to go in 3 times.
Once your dark team is defeated, you take in Monica, FC Reedmarie, or maybe Valentina (only one of them) to break the stones. I would advise bringing Kirina and maybe Lepin as well.
The other 2 units should be your strongest Burst Characters.
Once you break, unleash your nukes and you should deal enough damage, to beat Nature without having to actually go into the Nature Phase.
If that is still a little hard to manage, then go for single phases with dark, Frost, and Nature.
I just want to make it clear.
You don't need 5 Units of the given Element. 3 is enough.
The other two units should always be your strongest Burst Heroes, so you can deal as much damage as possible in a Phase.
If you wonder what kind of gear I was using, you might be surprised.
Most of my heroes actually just use Legendary 30-50 gear.
My Astarte is the only hero who has full Fated Gear in my videos, but if you want to check the details, just check the gear section in the video.
If you need advice for gear here it goes.
Give your Bursters Fated gear on the top row. This increases their Crit and damage overall.
I really hope you enjoyed this one.
If so, pop over to my youtube channel, leave a like or comment.
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As always, it was a pleasure to have you here and I will see you in the next one.
Until then, enjoy the Grind.