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Yupir's Labyrinth Sky Gate - Maze 4

Writer's picture: AzumaoAzumao

Yo guys, what's good?

Az here, once again and today we are talking about the horrendous Maze 4.

You know, the one with Jinn and he has dodge.

Let's get into it.


Just yesterday a viewer asked me, if it's possible to clear the stage without fated heroes.

And you might already know, this is kind of my jam.

Let me quickly explain why this stage is so difficult, if you don't have a couple key Heroes.


Jinn is at 115 Speed, meaning he can pop your slower units before you get the chance to do anything. His abilities are low Mana cost and hit hard.

Additionally he has life steal on his S1 and S2.

If this wasn't enough, he is immune against reflect and status effects in addition to have increased Dodge for unlimited rounds.

This means, you can't stun, provoke, lower attack or anything, which could prevent him from one-shotting you.

If you have FC Rera, this stage means nothing to you, but for all our newer players or people who didn't reach the pity and got unlucky, this stage can be the bane of their Exos Heroes life.


So what can we do?

For anybody who doesn't like to read much or watch the (fairly detailed) video, here a simple TLDR.

  • Bring Focused Shot, preferably on a unit faster than Jinn

  • FC Annie

  • Dragon Blood

This is the easiest way.

If you don't have what I just named, then you are kinda stuck with me for a while =)

How to beat him without Fated heroes?

So let's get into how we can beat him.

His Dodge is increased to a point where units below 126 Hit will miss him a lot. Almost the entire time, if I want to stay simple.

But getting over 126 Hit will all your units still wouldn't guarantee hits.

So we need to lower his Dodge.

While he IS in fact immune to status effects, he isn't immune to Marks.

And we have 1 Mark which decreases Dodge/Block:

  • Focused Shot

From my testing this is actually needed on 2 Units.

One unit alone will not guarantee 100% uptime.

Additionally you want to bring somebody who can increase your teams hit rate.


Team Setup

And when I say somebody, I mean Zarienne, since she is the only one with a team wide Hit Rate increase. So we got our first mandatory Hero.

You want to bring a second Focused Shot hero, who that is is kinda up to you.

I think Deradan is actually the best here, since he can deliver some Damage as well, but you can go with whatever you have.

Next up is a reviver. Here your only two choices are Karin and Lepin.

The others don't gain Mana quickly enough revive.

Even Lepin is kind of on the edge, since Jinn won't block and he mostly one-shots your units. Karin is definitely the best choice here.

For our 4th slot we want to bring Nuke.

I picked Astarte, because she is awesome, but Kirina, Adams, Nermash or anybody with a really high Nuke would work.

Astarte is the best, because she gains Mana consistently. She and Adams are the only ones with Burst, so if you have Adams 6 star, then you should pick him, but only then.

The last slot is a flex slot. I opted for Kaya, but you could bring another Damage Dealer, to make it easier.

So my team was composed of these Heroes:

  • Zairenne - Focused Shot | Hit Rate UP

  • Reedmarie - Focused Shot

  • Kaya - Heals

  • Astarte - Burst Damage

  • Karin - Reviver


Game plan

And now let's get into the game plan.

Clear until Jinn.

Use Reedmarie Auto attack (you will use this exclusively).

If Focused Shot lands, use Zarienne S1, if not also auto Attack.

If focused shot hit and you have enough Mana, use your nukes on Jinn.

If not, simply use auto attacks.

As long as your reviver is alive, don't give up.

As long as Focused Shot is on Jinn, you will be able to hit almost every single attack.

However, don't use your Heal with Karin. She needs the Mana for the revives.

If your team has increase hit Buff, as well as focused shot on Jinn, use your Nuke with Zarienne too.

Reedmarie will always use auto attack. If you bring Deradan, he will use Nuke from time to time.


And that's already it.

Quick and easy, hopefully insightful.

If you like my content, consider subscribing to my channel and leave a like on the video as well.

I do videos like this quite frequently, where I try to beat hard content with Rares and Legendaries, in order to provide F2P or low spenders with options.

You don't have to (and maybe shouldn't) try to replicate my teams, but use the best Heroes you have on your account, to fulfill the same roles.

With all that said, it was a pleasure to have you here.

I will see you in the next one and until then, enjoy the Grind.

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