Yo guys, what's good?
Az here, And today we are looking at the First Guardians Core Raid.
I wish I could have posted this way earlier, but well.. Work and stuff.
The new Core event is out and boy, I was kinda scared when I saw it contains the First Guardians.
But you can be relieved. The bosses don't have Dragon blood, and are fairly easy to beat, if you have Dragon Blood Heroes. But don't fret, even if you don't have them, you can participate in the Raid and you definitely should.
The rewards are great and I know, it's a lot of Grinding if you don't have Dragon Blood.
I want to present you with an easy and efficient way to beat hard mode.
Let's quickly go over the Abilities and then I present you a couple of strategies on how to beat it.
They all share the same mechanics, so I will only explain it once and remark on the increases.
All of them are immune to Status Effects, Debuffs and Marks
They grant a Barrier of 2% of their max HP for 1 round at the beginning of a round, increasing by 2% every round.
Their Attack/Defense will increase by 50% each round and this stacks across rounds.
Both of those will be reset on Break.
Lastly they increase the health of their allies by X%.
Ramge 200% | Magi 300% | Rera 500%
Each one will have Dots on S1 and S2 dealing X% of the targets max Health per round for 5 turns.
Ramge and Rera will have single Target S1 and AOE S2, while Magi has AOE S1 and S2.
Ramge 10% | Magi 15% | Rera 20%
First, let's get gear and level requirements out of the way.
You want all your units at 5 star and preferrably lvl 75.
70 is okay, but you need the additional defense and block.
Your gear should all be Legendaries lvl 30-40 or rares lvl 50 (you need to supplement the missing bonuses with raw stats)
This is for all the different comps, so I don't have to repeat myself.
Let's move onto the strategies.
"Whale Mode Enabled"
If you have all a couple of Couple of Dragon Emperors, Bathory and Uloom, you already know what's up. #EasyMode
Dolphin Mode
So you have only a couple Guardians yourself. Bathory is a bonus, not a must.
Take in the ones that match the Element of the stones and then fill up the rest of the Slots with the remaining stones.
You need Fire, Frost and Darkness, So if you have Zeon/Magi and Anastasia and Baileysh/Ramge you are golden. If not, let me quickly tell you about (another) busted FG mechanic.
Wrath will retaliate with the element, based on the Heroes that have Dragon Blood stacks on them.
So if you have Rera and a fire unit and the fire unit has a Dragon Blood stack, Rera's Wrath will break a fire stone.
Same with the other elements. Pretty nifty, huh.
If this is to hard to understand, check the video at 10:15, I go over it in (maybe too much) detail.
F2P, new starter or Unlucky
Now for you this event will require a little bit more time and levi stones.
You will have no Problems with Ramge, but against Magi things escalate too quickly, so you need the stronger methods.
Usually newer players try to do this approach.
Take a team with two strong healers and fill the rest of the slots with the matching elements.
This is inefficient and a trap.
Due to the Boss' ramp mechanic, over time you will deal less damage while he deals more.
It only resets when you break. You will barely break the Guardian stones twice.
Now this however leads us perfectly into the recommended method for Hard.
Bring your healer and fill as many slots with the element you are trying to break.
The phases are Fire, Frost, Dark.
Optimally you want to have Heroes with Counter or Thrust, in order to break the stones quickly.
My recommendation in units is this:
Kaya - Nature - Healer/Cleanse | Kale - Dark - Healer/Cleanse
Lepin - Frost - Healer/Reviver | Obellia - Frost - Cleanse/Def up
Rachel/Sabrina/Otard/Zeon/Brook/David Johnson - Fire - Counter
Xiakhan/Spica - Frost - Thrust
Shufraken/Adams - Dark - Counter
Here are my teams for this guide:
Frost: https://imgur.com/a/aOhVwq8
This is only for Hard mode, keep that in mind.
You will beat Ramge in 3-4 runs, if you have similar team strength as me.
Phase one is the easiest, just because there are SOOO many good fire units with Counter.
Take your best 4 of them and pair them with Kaya, Kale, Talia or similar.
You will burst through Phase one really quickly.
I can actually completely skip Frost, but in case you can't, bring Spica and 3 of your strongest Frost Heroes.
You want Damage dealers, no Dots.
Best ones are Bernadette, Bathory, and Kirina.
It's the same procedure, and if you wonder why I recommend Spica, it's because she speeds up the process due to having the Thrust passive.
If you don't have her build up, simply use 4-5 of your best Frost units.
And then you do the same with Darkness.
However, Darkness SUCKS majorly.
Mana gain terrible, nothing that deals good damage with low mana cost.
Here I simply took the ones I had leveled up and paired them with Kaya and Lepin.
My team was Kaya, Lepin, Adams (only Darkness with counter), Nermash and Emma.
If I had Buck built up, I would use him. He has Thrust, so he speeds things up.
You want to bring a reviver, because it's really important to keep your Darkness units alive and healthy, because you need to break the target to be successful.
While my account is above mid game power level, it's nothing super crazy.
With a little bit more tuning, I could even easily get Magi cleared with the F2P suggestion.
I doubt, that there will be a lot of people who have nothing better, than the Heroes I showed in the pictures.
And there you have it.
Super simple event and achievable for F2P if you are up for the grind.
At a max, even newer players (not new, since you have to fulfill certain stat and gear requirements) should be able to clear the Hard Difficulty within 160-200 Levi stones.
That's it from me today.
I hope you enjoyed it and if you haven't already, go to the video, hit subscribe and ring the bell, to not miss any of my content.
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As always, it was a pleasure to have you here and I will see you in the next one.
Until then, enjoy the grind.