Yo guys, what's good?
Az here once again and this time with a guide for Light and Dark day.
We gonna take on these Special Dungeons with Rares and Legendaries only.
Let's get to it.
Alright, lets go over our Heroes.
This one is the most frustrating of all.
Light and Dark Rares and Legendaries are mediocre for the most part with some exceptions.
I spoke about them in a couple other posts, but here to name the good ones again.
Nermash - Good DPS, high multiplier with Final hit.
Adams - Another good DPS, falls in my opinion short to Nermash, because Counter isn't really favorable in Lunar and Solar. Final hit provides more utility and Nermash's reset is also really nice. But Adams is still good.
Buck - Pretty solid Rare. Thrust passive, 4 Mana single target stun. Better than Legendary Light equivalents.
Firis - I love her and if you don't, you just haven't played enough with her. 1 Mana Back row stun, which can be cast indefinitely as long as all allies are on the board.
Iris - Super good in times, when Mana gain is weak. And with Light and Dark, that's always the case. Her shield provides you with 1 Mana for the whole team and gives you some, much needed, suitability.
Cybele - I have a love/hate relationship with her. I would ALWAYS use Karin or Lepin in favor of her, if I don't need Light breaks. But you need them all the time. Paired with Firis, light backrows are a joke.
Wilkes - THE best dark breaker. Period. 0 Mana dot AOE. Nuff said.
Those are the good ones.
The rest are mediocre at best.
I will go over some, that are definitely usable in specific scenarios, but generally are weaker.
Leger - solid healer, and doesn't need to hit for her heals. However her Mana cost are high and she is only single target.
Liffy - pretty much a weaker version of Wilkes. Mostly used for her 2 Mana AoE DoT. Solid, but Wilkes is better.
Sernando - could be used as a damage dealer, but it takes long to get him going.
Yulled/Kasoke - Single target DPS. Weaker than Adams or Nermash, but he is light. I would pick him over Sernando, because his nuke is on 3 Mana usually kills a target.
Let's jump into the Dungeons.
I will cut this short, because for the most part this is easy and I want to give a little more focus to Ancient Gold mine, Lunar and Solar.
Experience Sanctum, Spirit and Blessing
These are fairly easy.
Take the required units and then fill the rest of the slots with Firis, Cybele, Wilkes or Nermash.
You want to bring Cybele in every dungeon, just to break Light super easy and have a revive if the shit hits the fan.
Try to bring enough damage, so the runs don't take ages.
Ancient Gold Mine - Firis, Freesia, Wagni | Cybele, Wilkes
There is one team to make this super easy.
You can do other routes, but trust me on this one.
Select Firis, Freesia and Wagni as the mandatory unit. Don't replace Firis with Hawkeye. She sucks.
Next bring Cybele and Wilkes.
Stage 1
On round one you want to only use your single targets against to break the one stone of the Light ones. Cybelle will use her AoE. Once your Wilkes gets a turn, you use her AoE.
Stage 2
From there on your light units will only use auto attacks to break, always make sure to take out one stone at a time and with the remaining light unit, you will hit a broken DARK target to get Mana. Wilkes will always use her AoE.
Boss stage If your Freesia has a green stone you are golden. If not, well, still not an issue. Attack with Freesia into the Boss, Firis will use her stun on the side minons. Depending on your Speed Cybele might get a turn. If so attack the side minions if reflect is on the boss, if not attack him. Wilkes will use her Break. From then on you will build up your Mana with Firis so she has a long stun and make sure that not to many of your Heroes get broken.
Don't NUKE the side minions. You need them to not constantly attack into reflect. Make sure to stun them with Firis, when they are about to get out of break.
You will get to a point, where it's just rotating your abilities and stunning the boss with Freesia or Firis.
One of them should always have a single target stun available for the boss.
Takes long, but you gotta grind hard.
Solar and Lunar Trade Route
Both of them are fairly similar, with the only difference being in the Guardian stones.
Still, you want to follow a simple strategy.
Firis, Cybele, Nermash, Buck and whatever the required unit is.
Stage 1
Firis will ALWAYS use her stun on the back row and Cybele will always use her AoE.
With Nermash you need to attack the Front row until the backrow is stunned.
Gain 5 Mana and one by one Nuke the back row.
Hit the backrow with Buck. If they are stunned good, if not their counter will trigger Buck's Thrust and they will be stunned.
The other Hero will be used to break, Nuke or distract.
Stage 2
You want to fill up your Mana while taking as little damage as possible.
Use dark to break and then auto attacks. Don't nuke them.
Cybele, Firis and Buck need their Mana for round 3.
Boss stage
Side minions will be taken care of by Firis, so don't worry to much.
Nermash will be your fastest unit. Don't attack the boss with him, unless you know you can break with the others.
If Buck or Firis have their Stun available and the boss doesn't have status immunity Stun him immediately.
Stagger your breaks and stuns, by gaining Mana.
If no stun available, use the mandatory unit for the first attack on the boss.
Nermash takes care of the Nuke.
Once the side minions are gone, Nermash, Firis and Buck can keep the boss 100% disabled for the rest of the fight.
Teams I used
There you have it. Light and Dark with only Rares and Legendaries.
Here again the units I used.
Experience Sanctum - Minea, Cybele | Iris, Yulled, Nermash
Spirit Sanctum - Wilkes, Eclipse | Metron, Firis, Sernando
Ancient Gold Mine - Firis, Freesia, Wagni | Cybele, Wilkes
Solar Trade Route - Buck, Eclipse | Nermash, Firis, Cybele
Lunar Trade Route - Nermash, Yulled | Buck, Firis, Cybele
Blessing Sanctum - Iris, Yulled | Leger, Buck, Liffy
I think that's about it.
It's a frustrating day and for the most part even Fated Heroes don't help you too much.
Garff is definitely Great and I would use him in Blessing, Experience and Spirit.
Ramge is not good for the most part.
Baileysh is okay, but Wilkes does his job quicker.
Emma can help you mitigate some damage, while being a decent Damage Dealer herself.
Obviously if you have the FC for Baileysh or Ramge use them. It will help you out.
Thank you so much for joining me once again.
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I will see you in the next one. Until then, enjoy the Grind