Yo guys, what's good?
Az here once again and it's free Element day.
We are gonna take on todays Special Dungeons with Rares and Legendaries only.
Let's get to it.
Mandatory Heroes
Alright, lets go over Heroes we need to take with us.
We have Kaya and Zeon.
Kaya is an excellent healer and you should have built her up from the Nature Day.
Zeon is your starter. Not much to say about him.
Next we have Deva and Risis.
You have seen my Deva in the Mechanic day, she can be pretty good. Her FC makes her stronger in some areas weaker in others
Risis is a poisoner similar to Yorm. 1 Mana poison, however that helps us nothing, because we have to fight against light and Dark.
Not much use for her here.
Nika, Liffy and Cybele are next on the list.
Nika is okay, she can stun with her S2.
Liffy is really good and can break a lot of stones with her Dots.
Her Multipliers are low, but she is pretty good on this day.
Cybele is the best Light Healer, reviver, due to her 0 Mana heal.
In general she is one of my most used heroes.
We have Luke and Vinity up next.
Luke is actually pretty good and to show that, I used him in a dungeon, where he isn't mandatory. His share health is amazing.
Vinity is weak and more of a chain on your leg, but we gonna do what we gotta do.
Astarte and Corgi will also be used today.
You know I love my Astarte and honestly she helped me out so much today.
Corgi is... well another dotter. Pretty good on fire day.
Last we have Sefer and Heowon.
Both in my opinion very weak. There is better heroes in both Elements, so I haven't given them much love.
Experience Sanctum - Kaya, Zeon | Firis, Wilkes, Metron
We start of with Experience, which is really easy.
I will take the time to talk about some of the options you have here.
I took Firis, Wilkes and Metron, just to show that it kinda doesn't matter, as long as you have the right elements.
You could have brought Cybele, Nermash, Sernando or any of the other good Units from light and dark.
Unfortunately there aren't too many.
Spirit Sanctum - Deva, Risis | Lepin, Firis, Minea
Spirit is one where I wanted to show of an example, where you can make your life harder than it needs to be, if you don't bring enough breakers.
We still cleared it, but it was annoying. Minea had the wrong stone and was broken for a large portion.
Even with Minea, her mana cost are to high, so it's difficult to get it going. Liffy or Wilkes would have been better
Firis alone is not enough to break in an efficient manner.
Instead of Lepin, Cybele or maybe another Damage dealer would have been great.
Ancient Gold Mine - Nika, Liffy, Cybele | Firis, Nermash
This is a tough one, because you have to deal with low damage output, reflect and constant breaks.
You basically need to play this one very well and make sure to attack with the right Heroes at the correct time.
At the boss you will see me switching targets quite frequently and hesitate with what I want to attack.
For stage one, I broke until I started to get my Mana going and then break them over and over again, while Nermash does the work.
Lunar Trade Route - Astarte, Corgi | Luke, Colin, Karin
Lunar is the easiest of all of them, because this one is actually not reliant on Light and Dark units.
I just put some strong units in, not even caring too much about breaking.
Astarte for the WIN.
Solar Trade Route - Luke, Vinity | Astarte, Lepin, Degas
Speaking about Astarte. Without her, Solar wouldn't be possible for me.Solar was the biggest pain.
Trust me this day is more than annoying and it took me the better part of the day, to figure out how to beat it.
In the end, I went completely against everything and brough Astarte, Lepin and Degas.
The reason here is, that I wanted to profit of Blocks, and constantly share health.
I needed reliable revive and constant healing, if I go in without any breakers.
Since Astarte is mandatory here, she does all the work.
If you ask me, this is the best strategy you have until you get some good Fated or FCs.
Blessing Sanctum - Sefer, Heowon | Cybele, Firis, Liffy
Blessing was another one where you just go with what is strong.
Bring Cybele, Wilkes and the breaks are in your pocket. The rest is just reliant on a strong Damage Dealer.
I would say Nermash or maybe Sernando would be good for this one.
I think that's about it.
It was definitely fun to play round with those heroes.
Definitely challenging, and if you have good fated heroes, definitely use them.
Especially Lunar Trade Route was a good experience for me, because I completely abandoned the thought of breaking units.
Let me know what you think about free Element day =)
Thank you so much for joining me once again.
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I will see you in the next one. Until then, enjoy the Grind