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Writer's pictureAzumao

Benten, the Griffin

Yo guys, what's good.

Az here once again and today we are talking about Benten, the Griffin.

Let's get to it.


Benten is a Legendary Nature Hero of the Physical Damage type.



Counter 2 - Benten counters upon taking Damage.

He will gain 1 Mana if the target dies.

Dragon Knights Blessing - Increases damage dealt to during the second phase of the Element Dragon by 250%


S1: Deals 240% Damage to a single target.


S2: Deals 285% Damage to all enemies and makes use of Burst.


Gear and Stats

My Benten is equipped with all Legendary gear. Besides his Accessory, which is at 60, all his gear is at Level 50.

I focused on Attack Speed and Crit Damage.

These stats are pretty good for the gear he has on and should provide him with ample damage.

You can compare him to Otard, who has a similar skill kit, on a different element.

As you can see, I tried to match up most of the stats.

Unfortunately I don't have enough Fated gear floating around, which is why Otard's Critical hit is a lot higher.

I don't expect a Damage difference between them.



While he definitely can be used, I'm unsure of if I would use him.

I feel Otard has the slight advantage over him, due to her having an FC, which gives her great advantages.

Mana wise I think they are fairly even. While you rely on Crits with Otard to build the Mana up, Benten will gain Mana when allies or Enemies are low on Health.

Both of them usually serve as secondary nukers or clean up.

Being that fast, they go before the mages, who usually create a lot of issues, if they are allowed to live.

Especially on Defense you currently have a Meta with these heroes

  • Nuker - A lot of times FC Rera is used in this spot.

  • Bathory - Protector/Nuke

  • FC Annie - Enabler for first turn Nuke and Crit increase

  • Shufraken - Fear of the Abyss and clean up

  • FC Iris - Barrier removal and Mana Battery

This setup is interesting in terms of having a fast Nuker, which usually doesn't clean up and Shufraken's passive killing the remaining heroes. In case that isn't enough, FC Annie and Bathory would clean up.

If you are using somebody like Otard or Benten, your Goal would be to kill everything that didn't die with your first attack, before they can make a move.

If this is viable or not, depends entirely on your Heroes speed and if the enemy would be able to kill you with their first AoE.



I think this is where Benten shines. Especially with Nature, you have a lot of single target burst. Unless you are using Rera or Jinai, Benten is the best AoE Damage dealer in this Element.

Benten and Otard are your only Legendary AoE damage dealers with Burst, who act before the mages.

In general your mages would deal more damage, however they might already have eaten a lot of attacks, due to their slow speed.

In terms of Mana generation Counter can be very helpful, since you can gain Mana on an enemies turn.

On Nature day, he will serve you well clearing through the Dungeons quickly with his S1 and S2 in rapid combination.

Being a Head Dragon Knight also helps you getting through Phase two effectively.



I drew a lot of parallels to Otard and that with good reason.

Both are fantastic for newer players or people who don't yet have the strong fated equivalents.

While fire has a lot of strong burst AoE heroes, namely in (FC) Annie, (FC) Scarlet, Sabrina, (FC) Magi, (FC) Otard and FC Zeon, Nature doesn't have that luxury.

In Nature you are limited to (FC) Gale and FC Rera, where Gale is a lot weaker due to lower stats and multipliers. FC Rera, is an ultra Rare, unless you pulled on the Banner before, so it might be hard to aquire.

Benten is a lot of fun and I needed a physical Damage Dealer for Nature.

I definitely don't regret making him a 6 star and clearing Dungeons more easily than before.

He could be somebody to consider for Unleash potential, since his multipliers jump up and the additional stats never hurt.

If you have him, he is certainly worth investing into.


With all that said, we are already at the end.

If you enjoy my content, consider subscribing to my youtube channel and leave the video a like.

As always it was a pleasure to have you here and I will see you in the next one.

Until then, enjoy the Grind.

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